- 非IC关键词
- 卖家积分:营业执照:已审核经营模式:贸易/代理/分销所在地区:广东 深圳保证金额:10000企业网站:
收藏本公司 人气:561057
- 相关证件: 
- 会员类型:
- 会员年限:13年
- 阿库IM:
- 地址:深圳市福田区振华路飞亚达大厦西座925-926室
- E-mail:3005133872@qq.com
The HEF4094B is an 8-stage serial shift register having a
storage latch associated with each stage for strobing data
from the serial input to parallel buffered 3-state outputs
O0 to O7. The parallel outputs may be connected directly
to common bus lines. Data is shifted on positive-going
clock transitions. The data in each shift register stage is
transferred to the storage register when the strobe (STR)
input is HIGH. Data in the storage register appears at the
outputs whenever the output enable (EO) signal is HIGH.
Two serial outputs (Os and O’s) are available for cascading
a number of HEF4094B devices. Data is available at Os on
positive-going clock edges to allow high-speed operation
in cascaded systems in which the clock rise time is fast.
The same serial information is available at O’s on the next
negative-going clock edge and provides cascading
HEF4094B devices when the clock rise time is slow.
HEF4094BP(N): 16-lead DIL; plastic
HEF4094BD(F): 16-lead DIL; ceramic (cerdip)
HEF4094BT(D): 16-lead SO; plastic
( ): Package Designator North America
D data input EO output enable input
CP clock input Os, O’s serial outputs
STR strobe input O0 to O7 parallel outputs